Designing a student property portal
- With NH1 Design
- Tags: Web, Mobile, UI/UX
StudentAcco is a property portal that helps students find accommodation of their liking and budget. India has a massive population of students migrating from one city to another, and this in turn creates a lot of difficulty in finding the right accommodation. StudentAcco simplifies this process and helps students find accommodation from the comfort of their computer or mobile phone.
The UI of both the app and website are coherent with the branding. The illustrative style and the color palette have also been retained in both. The main challenge in this project was to fit such a large amount of information into a very limited space and make it look good at the same time. However, after careful planning and numerous explorations, I was able to achieve something that looked good and functioned well at the same time.
The website makes use of slideouts, sidebars, and dropdowns, which helps use the screen space more efficiently. The result is an easy-to-use app/website with a seamless look and experience.